Creative Moonlighting is a podcast hosted by Denise and Matthew Thornton and contains content designed specifically for independent artists who are striving to transition into building a full-time business around their creative talents. The series logs Denise and Matthew's collective journey as educators by day and independent creatives by night. Join as they share experiences with film, marriage, collaboration, and creativity in general. Creative Moonlighting is brought to you by Griffyn.Co Productions - a media company owned by Denise and Matthew. Email questions to Griffyn.Co@gmail.com

Sunday Apr 04, 2021
Ep. 32 - Main Character Syndrome
Sunday Apr 04, 2021
Sunday Apr 04, 2021
Today Denise and Matthew talk about Main Character Syndrome and what it means to "have a sonder." They discuss why Main Character Syndrome is seemingly so prevalent in the lives of creatives and artists and they ponder ways in which to overcome it.
#griffyncoproductions #creative moonlighting #alwaysbecreative #creativity #maincharactersyndrome #sonder
Please send questions and comments to Griffyn.Co@gmail.com .

Sunday Apr 04, 2021
Ep. 31 - Creativity and Mental Health
Sunday Apr 04, 2021
Sunday Apr 04, 2021
Denise and Matthew delve into the idea that creativity improves mental health. They discuss the notion that mental health (or lack thereof) has historically led to great works of art, and they work through ideas about why being creative can give you an edge in mind, body, and spirit.
#griffyncoproductions #creative moonlighting #alwaysbecreative #creativity #mentalhealth #selfhelp #artandmentalhealth
Please send questions and comments to Griffyn.Co@gmail.com .

Saturday Feb 20, 2021
Ep. 30 - The Role of Sex in Art
Saturday Feb 20, 2021
Saturday Feb 20, 2021
Denise poses yet another big question this week (she has been on fire) about the role of sex in art. Why is it so often such a prevalent factor in the things we create? Is there a proper balance or place for sex in the artistic endeavors we pursue? Again, no right or wrong answers... Just questions, thoughts, and interesting conversations.
#griffyncoproductions #creative moonlighting #alwaysbecreative #creativity #sexinart #sex #art
Please send questions and comments to Griffyn.Co@gmail.com .

Saturday Feb 13, 2021
Ep. 29 - Handling Collaborative Resistance
Saturday Feb 13, 2021
Saturday Feb 13, 2021
Denise poses a question today about the struggles of collaboration and how to handle resistance when operating in a "teamwork" setting. She and Matthew discuss possibilities for ways in which creative minds might remain both open and assertive during collaborative negotiations.
#griffyncoproductions #collaboration #resistance #negotiation #neversplitthedifference #creative moonlighting #alwaysbecreative
Please send questions and comments to Griffyn.Co@gmail.com .
For those who are interested in reading the book we mentioned by Chris Voss, here it is:
Never Split the Difference by Chris Voss

Thursday Feb 11, 2021
Ep. 28 - Preparing to Perform and Beating Imposter Syndrome
Thursday Feb 11, 2021
Thursday Feb 11, 2021
Denise was faced with a big work meeting this week that found her speaking on a panel of educators at MIT.
The Challenge: 5 minutes. 1 slide. How do you get your point across in a way that is short enough to hold their attention, but in-depth enough to stir their thoughts? How do you work through imposter syndrome when speaking in front of a group of your most elite peers and colleagues?
As always, if you have a question, reach out via email at: Griffyn.Co@gmail.com. Enjoy!
#atx #atxartists #createart #createartnow #griffynco #griffyncoproductions #helloaudiio #impostersyndrome #highperfomance

Tuesday Dec 22, 2020
Ep. 27 - Knowing When to Walk Away feat. Ashton Acuna
Tuesday Dec 22, 2020
Tuesday Dec 22, 2020
Welcome back our neighbor, family, and friend... Ashton Acuna! Ashton has finished his first semester of college (COVID-college) in virtual mode. When he was here last spring, his senior year had been shutdown by the pandemic. That day, we were talking about how to get started on a new creative project. Today, we are flipping it around and talking about when you should walk away. Ashton had been helping us record episode 25 and was intrigued to speak about his own creative process a bit further. Sometimes walking away can offer the most benefits for your creativity. Listen in to find out why.
As always, send questions and comments to Griffynco@gmail.com

Friday Dec 11, 2020
Ep. 26 - Write What You Know feat. Jim Comer
Friday Dec 11, 2020
Friday Dec 11, 2020
Please welcome keynote speaker, executive speech coach, and writer - Jim Comer. Jim is both a neighbor and a friend, and we are extremely thankful he made the time to come down and join us on the podcast. For all you writers out there, this one's for you! In this nearly two hour episode, Jim, Denise, and Matthew traverse the wild world of using your life as a prompt for your work. Along the way, they not only discuss ideas for finding something to say, but also for getting your thoughts on paper, targeting a focus point for your writing, and freeing your spirit to endure the intense rollercoaster ride upon which writing a book will send you.
To learn a bit more about Jim, please visit his website at: https://www.comercommunications.com/
As always, send questions and comments to Griffynco@gmail.com

Thursday Dec 10, 2020
Ep. 25 - Handling Tense Situations
Thursday Dec 10, 2020
Thursday Dec 10, 2020
Welcome to EPISODE 25! Thank you to all of you who have stuck with us through the first 25 episodes. Your participation has been greatly helpful in keeping the momentum going.
Today, Denise and Matt will be discussing how to handle tense situations. As artists and creators, we all have to learn the art of collaboration. But as we all know, the sun doesn't always shine on our collaborative relationships. In this episode, we attempt to deconstruct some practical ways in which you might be able take a step back and make a thoughtful plan of action for the next time you find yourself in a tense situation at work, at home, or in any relationship you have.
As always, send questions and comments to Griffynco@gmail.com

Saturday Oct 17, 2020
Ep. 24 - Take a Creative Leap feat. Dave and Magda Acuna
Saturday Oct 17, 2020
Saturday Oct 17, 2020
We all know that inspiration is at the root of creativity. But we often forget that creativity also becomes the root for new inspiration. And the cycle continues. Today, Denise and Matt welcome Dave and Magda Acuna to talk about their latest creative venture, Three-Legged Pig Creations.
Magda is an artist and Dave is a business-mind. Both have full-time jobs and two children who are now young adults. Both are grounded and comfortable (as comfortable as anyone can be in 2020) in their day-to-day routine. But in spite of their comfort, they have decided that spending their days on the creative sideline is no longer an option as they have chosen to take a creative leap in starting a charitable business called, Three-Legged Pig Creations.
We were fortunate enough to have them join us today in talking about the bubbling desire that caused them to take a step in the attempt to do something that is not only creative, but that is also inspiring, communal, and charitable for other creatives. We hope you enjoy listening to their story!
Special thanks to Ashton Acuna for his help with sound editing (and of course, for lending his guitar skills alongside Magda's voice at the end of the episode).
As always, send questions and comments to Griffynco@gmail.com

Friday Oct 09, 2020
Ep. 23 - Rush to Failure feat. Torrey Kiolbassa
Friday Oct 09, 2020
Friday Oct 09, 2020
Today, Creative Moonlighting welcomes storyteller, businessman, father, and all around creative, Torrey Kiolbassa. We have often heard the concept that failure cuts the path toward success. But most axioms are easier said than lived because they are usually only discovered by those who take the time to stop and look back on the journey in its entirety. Torrey reminds us that success is not only made possible by taking the opportunity to fail, but it's also sweeter after you've experienced enough of life to be soured. We hope you'll enjoy taking the time - as we did - to soak up some inspiration from this truly unique and joyful individual.
As always, send questions and comments to Griffynco@gmail.com